Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Remember us?

The family that consists of 2 moms, 2 daughters and soon..... A SON!
Yep - that's right, we're adding a little testosterone to this estrogen driven family. We had our 20 week visit to the specialist yesterday for a growth check and they were able to easily without a shadow of a doubt confirm we are having a son. We couldn't be more excited! He is growing perfectly in every way and can't wait to hold him on our arms!

Hi little guy!

M is feeling great these days. She had nausea until about 12 weeks and her daily headache tapered off around week 16... boy those SUCKED! Her new fall accessory is a baby bump. It's adorable and perfect in every way. Luckily we have several holidays to help the next 20 weeks fly by!

The other 2 darlings are doing fantastic. They pretty much repeat everything we say - not perfectly and sometimes not even close but it is a constant reminder that their little ears are only inches away and we REALLY have to watch what we say and do. They play with each other almost non stop and it melts are hearts to see that they are already becoming each others best friends. We've recently started them in a music class which is fantastic. We go with their "best friends" (the triplets from across the street), not only do they get to play, dance and make music with them, J gets some adult time with their mom (albeit waving handkerchiefs, shaking eggs, tapping a tamborine, singing along to great music) . It's a win win for everyone. We also started going to the library for storytime. There was quite a turnout the first week and the ages ranged from around 5 months to 14 months it seemed with our daughters being the oldest in the group. The next age group is 18 months to 3 years. While all the younger baby sat nicely on their mommy/caregiver's lap, A and R were in the middle of the circle, watching along as the librarian read the book, pointing at the babies, playing with each other... you name it, they did it. Nothing bad or too distracting, but J was glad it was only a 20 minute session because she felt like she would have lost their attention in that circle if it lasted too much longer. J had internal conflict of letting them be in the middle of the group vs forcing them to sit on her lap (which WASN'T working). Were the other parent's thinking to themselves that J should get her kids under control and out of the middle? Were they understanding that theirs just don't walk/crawl yet so one day that will be their babies? We don't know but it is what it is. We missed it last week as the girls had a cold but we'll see how it goes tomorrow.

We are excited for Halloween this year! Every holiday is just a little more fun, a little more special now that we have children. The girls LOVE to put on their costumes and walk around in them. We thought we'd have to force them to keep them on but NOPE, they actually grab them and bring them to us to put them on. TOO CUTE! We went with personality driven costumes this year - A is a lion and R is a monkey.

We went pumpkin and apple picking this weekend. It was one of the best weekends we've had yet! 15 month old are SOOOOOOOOO much fun!!!!

R LOVED eating the apples she picked!

A on the hayride back from the orchard.

Our lion and monkey

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

We Graduated!

We are just trucking along in M's pregnancy! Today we are 9wks and 3 days already. We had an u/s and doctor appointment last week and the u/s technician said Baby C was measuring 8wks 5days, which was 2 days ahead of schedule at that time. We saw the heartbeat, which was 169 bpm; an excellent heart rate! Baby C has an adorable little round head and little itty bitty arm and leg buds already! SOOOO cool to see! Because everything has been going so well, our fertility doctor decided to graduate us. Next week we will begin seeing our regular OB. It will be nice to see her since we haven't since she delivered our twins.

Things have been going pretty well so far with M's pregnancy, besides the fact that she is nauseous pretty much 24 hours a day 7 days a week. It's pretty bad but at least she hasn't actually puked (yet). Nothing really helps, not even ging.er ale and pretzels, which were J's best friend during pregnancy. M is still able to stomach meat, but overall it doesn't really appeal to her. She has lost all her desire for sweets ... her sweet tooth which is normally in full effect is completely gone. So weird! For the most part M can eat pastas and pizza happily. Oh, and raspberries and french fries, she is always craving fries these days.

Other than the nausea, M has been doing really good. No spotting or cramping or anything scary, which is a nice change in this pregnancy. Her bb's have been sore since about week 4 and a sports bra while sleeping has become a necessity. She has had a couple bouts with insomnia but isn't sure it's pregnancy related. M has also noticed that she gets out of breath a LOT recently and tired more easily. We aren't really sure why she is getting so out of breath so early in the pregnancy. Something we'll definitely bring up with our dr. She definitely has a little "baby brain" going on and is beginning to forget things...

As for A and B, they are doing great! We are finally done celebrating their birthdays. We had 3 parties: 1 with M's family, 1 with J's family, and 1 with all of our friends. The friend party was very fun and we had about 10 kids under the age of 3 running around our back yard. It was great! Literally the next day A started walking. We think that she was inspired by all of the other kids walking around at her party. She gets SO excited when she walks!

They still aren't saying any words, beside the occasional "Mom" that B says. So we've started to teach them some basic sign language to help keep them happy. We found that especially during meal time they scream a lot, and we know it is because they are frustrated that they can't tell us what they need. So we have taught them the signs for milk, drink, eat, more, and all done. They are definitely catching on and its super cute to see little A do the sign for milk with her big grin :)

Please meet our newest addition (almost) - BABY C!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Update... finally

We've been meaning to write a blog since Monday when we went to our Dr for M's 1st u/s, but it has been a crazy week with planning the twins 1st birthday party! Anyway, the appt went great! The hours were from 7:30-9:30am to get the u/s. So we left M's family's house in PA at 7am giving us plenty of time to get there ... until we noticed the low tire pressure light come on in our car. Luckily, after putting some air in it we were able to get back on the road and make it to our dr appt. We have come to find out there was a nail in the tire and we needed a new tire - blah! We were very nervous yet excited for the appt. With our beta numbers being kind of high and more than doubling each time, we weren't sure how many sacs we'd be seeing. During the u/s J said, "don't tell me if you see six." The u/s technician, who if you remember has TERRIBLE bedside manners, cracked a joke saying "don't worry, if I do I won't say a word, I'll just be running out of the room." After a few minutes of prodding she announced, "Well, there's only 1 sac" ... we were both very happy to hear this and a little relieved. Not that we wouldn't have been thrilled with twins or multiples, we just really only wanted 1 this time so it was perfect! We even got to see the yolk sac and the heartbeat!! The u/s tech said M was measuring 6 weeks. We didn't get the HB rate though as we didn't even think to ask because we were so overwhelmed.

M went back in yesterday to see our Dr since he was out on vacation when we went in for the u/s on Monday. This time we asked what the HB was on Monday and he said 101. And then immediately followed it with the fact that he wouldn't have even expected to see a heartbeat at that appt so it's a good number for being so early. He told us that yesterday M was 6wks 2days and our due date is March 1, 2011!

We go back in for another u/s and dr visit in 2 weeks. Until then, we'll just keep doing what we're doing!!

Tomorrow these cuties turn 1!!!!!!!!!


Friday, July 2, 2010

Rising betas

As we’ve hoped, M’s beta is rising nicely! As of yesterday it is sitting pretty at 7234. We are going in for an ultrasound on Monday… FINALLY! M hasn’t really had any symptoms yet, although we know it is still early. She is VERY bloated and almost looks several months pregnant! The dr said her ovaries are still swollen and it will go down some.

We heard some disturbing news this week while talking to our neighbor (we’ll call her H) who lives across the street and has adorable 2.5 yr old triplets (2 girls, 1 boy). First of all, we are new to the area as we just moved into our house in February after months of renovations but we really clicked with the couple across the street as they are our age and also have multiples. J goes to the park often with the girls and their triplets (who is also cared for by a fulltime nanny who our daughters equally love). H told us that she got in an argument with a gentleman (single, no kids, good looking, mid 40s, we’ll call him M) who lives 2 doors down from them a couple of weeks ago. We don’t know M very well, but always seemed very nice and his girlfriend made us a delicious cake when we moved in. Anyway, a couple of days after this fight, social services showed up at H’s door and told her (and the nanny who was there) that they had a complaint that there is drug and alcohol abuse in their house. Now we have always thought that they perhaps sm.oked po.t but we have no proof, and although we don’t smoke it these days, we think there are worse things that they could be doing. And as for drinking, they are clearly of age and having multiples, we know that sometimes you NEED an adult beverage to RELAX after a long day. H and her husband have had frequent surprise visits from social services including rummaging through their fridge to make sure there is adequate food for the 3 babies, crib checks, and random drug tests. We don’t personally think any of this is warranted as we KNOW they are great parents, have healthy well adjusted kids, and a wonderful nanny but what REALLY gets us is that this random guy doesn’t like this family for whatever reason and makes one complaint and now this family has to endure what could probably last over a year, PROVING that they are good parents. It was even in the newspaper under the police section that this report was made! It is scary to think that this could happen to anyone with just a call to the cops by someone who you get in an argument with. We feel as though a “check” of sorts should be made on the person reporting the child neglect as well. It is just a very sad and as H said “embarrassing” situation all because she believes she argued with him. Needless to say, we will remain “friendly” but will try not to interact too much with this neighbor. As we don’t really have anything in common with him, this shouldn’t be too hard.

On to a happier note, I’d like to wish M a very very very happy birthday! I love you honey! We are headed to Scranton to her family’s house to celebrate the 1st of 3 birthday parties for the girls. We STILL can not believe they will be one next Saturday!!!!!!

Hope everyone has a happy and safe 4th!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Up, Up, UP!

M went in for another blood test on Saturday and our numbers have gone up to 1383! We go back in for another beta test next week and THEN they will schedule our ultrasound depending on those numbers. This waiting is worse than the tww was!

As the girls are coming up on their one year old birthday, we thought we'd make a list of all the words they understand completely at this point. We were surprised at the list we came up with and are even probably missing some. The words they know are: Cheer.ios, ball, balloon, Barne.y, book, Mom, Uncle Tim, no, milk, cookie, pool, dance, juice, cheese, toast, kitty and puppy. They also know each other's names. They both say one word each - R says "Mom" and A says "EEEEEE" as in kitty or puppy. And of course A said "dada" a while back but has stopped since probably because she got no positive reaction out of us. ;)

Today we went to the NYC pride parade with our girls and met up with Puffer, Chicken and their cutie cutie little boys. It was a HOT one but we all had a great time!

R (with her hair slicked back from sweat) waving the pride flag.

The girls holding hands while drinking their milk at the parade.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Our beta doubled!

Our new beta as of yesterday morning is 541 at 17 days past trigger. We are scheduled to go back in Saturday morning for another beta test. We CAN'T wait for the ultrasound!!!

On a side note, I just wanted to wish my beautiful wife (J) a very happy birthday! Yesterday was her birthday but with family in town visiting, I didn't have time to post. I love you!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

We've got numbers!!!!

Well, we've got numbers to back up our positive pregnancy tests. We don't know if our beta is trying to tell us something by duplicating a certain number 3 times or if it is just a really solid singleton number but either way we are ecstatic with our beta of 222! We are 15 days past the HCG shot so we have a really strong number either way.

We go back in on Thursday for another beta test - maybe this beta will help tell the story. Can't we just jump to an ultrasound??? ;)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

A +

We don't go in for a blood test until Tuesday BUT.....

Almost two weeks ago we did the Trigge.r shot and now we have a BEAUTIFUL plus sign showing on our p-test! (It looks a lot darker in person and we even saw a hint of a plus sign yesterday morning as well!) We are kind of in disbelief at the moment as this whole process has been pretty laid back and worry-free. Life is just SO busy that the two week wait flew by and now we are sitting pretty looking at a perspective sister or brother for A and R! We wouldn't be being completely honest if we didn't mention that we can't wait to see the B.eta numbers but more importantly an ultrasound to see how many sacs are in there. With M having 3 mature eggs 2 days before we triggered along with many smaller ones, it just makes you wonder. As we know it isn't likely, the shows like "J & K + 8" and "Ta.ble for 10" makes our minds wonder. Either way, we are pregnant and did a bit of a "We're having a baby" dance with the twins this morning. They were equally excited (although they are always full of smiles when we walk into their nursery in the morning).

As we mentioned it's been a busy few weeks. For one, the girls went to their first fair. A hadn't napped and we knew they would both be going to bed after their normal 7pm bedtime so we didn't really know what to expect but they did GREAT! It helped that we had M's mom and 2 cousins with us along with J's brother. More hands to help but the girls had a great time people watching and trying tidbits of fair food (primarily a "turkey leg" and some ice cream). A got EXTREMELY excited when she saw huge lion and tiger stuffed animals hanging from a game vendor. J luckily captured a snapshot of it. That girl LOVES animals.

They also went on their first ride - the carousel. J sat on a horse with R and M with A. A LOVED the ride but R clung to J tighter than ever and whined the entire time. We felt so bad but J couldn't even get down off the horse because it was constantly moving up and down and... when the heck did they start going so high off the ground?!?! A was holding on to the pole with one hand and trying to pet the horse with the other. That will be the child going on all the fair rides with M in the future and R will be holding purses with J ;)

R is really walking around quite well these days. She has great balance! Yesterday A took a few steps with a little cheering and guiding! We had her hold onto our rocker and we pushed the couch ottoman out a bit and cheered her on to push off and take the necessary 2 steps to the ottoman. It worked and she felt SOO rewarded when she did it! When A is excited about something, she squeals exactly like "Carrie B.radshaw" from SATC. It is the cutest thing in the entire world!

Yesterday the girls went to their first friend "kidd.ie party". It was lots of fun as our friend has acquired quite a few outside toys over the past 2 years of her daughter's life. They played for quite some time in a plastic "little t.ikes" house with 2 other little boys. It is interesting to see the interaction between other kids and our twins. The 2 boys (not related) kept stealing toys from each other and our girls. Our girls didn't cry or mind as I think they are used to it since they (mainly R) always steal toys from each other. But if a toy was taken from one of the boys who are both only children, cries insued. It was interesting to watch.

R has her top left tooth breaking through which has made her a little whiny but all in all she has been pretty good with her teething although she hasn't had any teeth break through since her first 2 bottom over 5 months ago. We didn't think she was EVER going to get more teeth! R still has 2 tops and 2 bottoms.

A couple more days until we get our first round of betas... BRING ON GOOD NUMBERS PLEASE!!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

You're Fired!

We had to let go of our nanny today. As we've mentioned in previous posts, she is unreliable, she is only on the floor playing with them about half the time and doesn't really talk to them. This is the age where their language skills are developing so it is imperative to have communication going on. The straw that broke the camels back was that J asked her to be at our house at 10am this morning and to PLEASE NOT BE LATE (since she always is) because she had to run a meeting at 10:30am. We were smart enough to give her a 30 min cushion KNOWING that she would be late even though we specifically told her she couldn't be today. It was ridiculous that we even had to do this but it is what it is. So, 10:15am rolls around and J is getting a little nervous. The babies were sleeping at this point but of course they would wake up at exactly 10:30am if our nanny wasn't there by then. At 10:25am, M calls our nanny and asks where she is and she said she was running really late. M asked if she was at least close and she replies no. NO?!? She said she "wasn't even close." M was fuming and let J know. We both decided that this was it. We had to stop dragging our feet and find a new nanny ASAP. M called our nanny back and said that we didn't need her today and that actually we didn't need she services anymore as it wasn't working out.

J's brother is staying with us so he was luckily available to watch the girls while J had her call.

So.... it's back to the drawing board for us. It will be a little hairy around here until we get a new nanny but all in all we're glad we let this one go. She added more stress than help.

(Side note: we're still very much cheering on M's mature eggs and the millions of little guys swimming around hoping for a happy collision. Cyst check on Monday.)

Monday, June 7, 2010

An insemination like never before...

and now we enter the wonderful TWW.

We triggered this morning at 4:15am which is why this is going to be a short and sweet post. Neither of us fell back to sleep before our little darlings woke up at 5:30 and were ready to start the day. Next insem is tomorrow at 4:15pm. Our dr told us M had 3 mature eggs before the trigger and a great sperm count with 65% motility.

Yawn.... goodnight!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Rocking and Rolling...

Or should we say Poking and Producing!

M had bloodwork this morning to make sure the Rep.ronex is actually working. And.... IT IS! We keep with the same regime of 2 powders, 1 cc liquid and go in tomorrow for bw and an u/s. Very excited mommies in this household of ours!

M has been doing really well with the injections! Ice, clean, stick, inject, ice... all with no problem! M pinches the area, J darts the needle in and M inserts the hormone... we have it down to a science as all we did was reverse rolls from J's IVF last year. The one thing that isn't consistent is the size of the welts J had vs the size M is getting. M was nervous about the welt size and pain that was associated with J's injections. She is VERY LUCKY so far!!!

Comparative pictures:

J's belly during her Repro.nex injections a year and a half ago.

M's belly with the Rep.ronex injections. TINY WELTS! YAY!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 1... no problem!

Well last night was our first Re.pronex injection and although we TOTALLY forgot until about 9pm (we planned to do it at 7pm when the girls went down), the shot was quick and painless (per M). She has the smallest mark around the injection site (unlike when J was using Rep.ronex) and was only a little sore when she was holding a baby. We'll see how that fairs as we use up more and more real estate on M's belly.

Getting ready to gear up for injection numero dos! Come on ovaries... let's get producing!

Happy Memorial Day everyone! The girls went to their first parade today! Then we took some pictures at the park near our house, went swimming in their little pool and had a family barbecue. Fun, relaxed, most enjoyable day!

Watching the parade! It was sooooo hot out.

A has some SERIOUS teething pain the last couple of days. R doesn't really know what to do since A wouldn't stop crying.

Interesting setting on the camera. Must explore further.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Buckle up...

here we go.... AGAIN.

M's AF finally showed up yesterday. Since our dr is closed tomorrow, they had us come in today on day 2, for bw and an u/s. Since the appointment was at 8am this morning, we had to bring the girls with us. Normally we'd rather not bring them but this was kind of a surprise appointment. They were surprisingly good for it being their naptime (yes, they go back down for a nap around 8am when most people are just getting up). They got lots of attention from all the nurses, technicians and our doctor, which they ate up of course. They, but especially A, are little hams at the ripe age of 10 months. They know how to work the crowd.

So, we start Re.pronex tomorrow. Hope M's belly is ready for all the pokes and prods that are about to come! We are extremely excited and can not believe the day has finally come for PROJECT BABY C to begin! We go back in on Wednesday for b/w to see if the dose needs to be increased or decreased.

As exciting as this all is, it's been a hard week leading up as we've had a house full of sick mommies & babies. We have realized he.ll on earth quite possibly is when both parents are sick as dogs and have 2 sick infants as well. It was a TOUGH few days! Thank goodness for our nanny watching the girls which allowed us to nap or at least rest for a bit. We all went to the dr this week, the girls AGAIN as their coughs got significantly worse, but luckily the fevers never got above 100 degrees. J ended up having bronchitis, while M and the girls have really bad colds and coughs. The girls were given an inhaler to help clear out their lungs. A took it pretty well, but R was a struggle at first. But after almost a week of aspirating, pushing fluids, using the inhaler, refilling the humidifier, cleaning up a few mucusy throw ups here and there, we think we are FINALLY seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. A seems much better and R is about a day behind A so she should be feeling much better tomorrow. M is about 90% while J is pushing 60%... she just can't kick whatever she's got.

Amongst the coughs and sneezes, R found time to learn a new trick - to climb stairs. And not just one way of climbing but 3 ways! She'll crawls/climbs up each step one by one, she'll hold the banister poles and literally walk up the stairs, but worst of all, she will try to walk up the stairs on the OUTSIDE of the banister where there is about 1 1/2 inch of stair. Someone is always there when she is trying out her adventure as the room with the stairs in it is pretty much gated off to them at all times, but she can really get to the top of the staircase in a hurry! Granted, she's also climbed 1/2 way up the gate as well. Yep, we sure have our hands full with this child! On the other hand, we can find A in the "library" (the corner with all their books) sitting flipping slowly through pages. How different they are.

And onto some pics of the littlest ladies.

Silly-faced R

A saying "Pretty please, Mommy!"

A reading a book.

R using the inhaler.

The girls LOVE animals!

R climbing the gate.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Cough cough cough...

Once again, thank you ladies for your advice! We are going to make a plan similar to all of yours to ween the girls off their bottles.

We took the girls to the dr on Friday where they checked out a-ok but our pediatrician said if they get worse to call him. Yesterday they developed terrible coughs (particularly A) so their dr wanted to see them again. Poor little babies! A was coughing a lot in her sleep but they both slept the night which was good. We head back to the dr this morning. Luckily they are both eating and drinking well, so aside from their cough and extra tiredness, they seem ok.

At the girls’ 9 month checkup, we asked the doctor about what other foods the girls could try and he gave us a whole list of wonderful suggestions. At that point he said, let’s not give them any whole milk yet because of their belly issues when they were newborns. We did however get the go ahead for yogurt and cheese so when we were at the dr on Friday we asked again about milk (whole milk) and mentioned that they have been eating yo.baby and American chee.se with no reactions or problems. He said go ahead and try the milk. I asked how much, thinking an ounce or two to introduce – but he said it can be up to 50% of their formula/milk intake. Great we thought as we are spending $120 a week on formula since they are on the Ca.dillac of formulas (Simil.ac Aliment.um). We tried giving the bottles in cups for a couple of days and they would both take a sip and then push the cup away. Yesterday J heated the milk up and put 3 oz in a bottle and A drank it right up! R is still not loving it but we think we have a good 2 months to move her in that direction before we completely ween them off formula so we’re not worried.

The girls were cast to be in the H.BO miniseries “Broadwa.y Empire” and were supposed to shoot yesterday in Brook.lyn but our agent didn’t get the message from the casting agency until late Sunday, when the casting agency of the show contacted him early Sunday. Since they hadn’t heard from back from my agent, they chose other babies to be in the show. It actually worked out for the best since the little ones are fighting this cold.

We are starting to think Project Baby C may never be underway! J’s AF has come and gone but M’s is nowhere in sight. :( Come out come out wherever you are!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Helpful advice!

We’d like to thank you ladies for your comments! You are all very helpful! We have started to put milk in a N.uby bottle that has a sipp.y cup nipple hoping the fact that they are still holding a bottle would be a good transition. So far, R will drink milk out of it but A still won’t have it. It’s weird because all day long they will drink water out of anything you give them- sippy cup, straw cup, real cup, water bottle, regular bottle, you name it, they’ll drink water from it. We hope if we keep offering the sippy cup or sippy cup nipple to them every day that someday they will both drink the milk out of it and we can be off of bottles at a year. For any of you with kids over 1, do you still give them a nighttime “bottle”? Our nighttime routine ends with both girls getting a nice full bottle. Do we have to ween them off that by/at a year as well?

We took Two Moms, Two Monkeys advice and started giving the girls one meal of rice or oatmeal cereal a day. We always add a fruit and/or vegetable and although the first time we offered it to them again, they pushed the spoon away, they are now welcoming it a little more. We might be taking A from A+K up on her offer to talk feedings. :)

Last night was a rough night for A. We didn’t put the air conditioning on last night because it was so cool out, but since the girls room is on the first floor along with ours, we don’t open their windows. A woke up around 2 and was REALLY hot. We took her out of her sleep sack and changed her diaper but she still felt hot. We took her temperature and it was 101.4. Could body temp go up from being really hot? We gave her generic tyl.enol and a bottle. She wouldn’t really fall back to sleep and was kind of whiny. J rocked her to sleep finally only for A to wake up 20 mins later. The AC was on at this point so it wasn’t because she was hot. At this point we offered her her bottle again as she hadn’t finished it before and them M rocked her to sleep. Finally at almost 5 she was back down only to wake at 7. She’s been kind of cranky all morning but we think it is because she had a poor night sleep. We are going to monitor her temp today before taking her to the pediatrician. As of this morning, she didn’t have one. We know you can get a fever with teething, and we KNOW she is teething. Guess we’ll see how the day pans out. R, thankfully, slept through the entire night.

The evening started out really great as we had a babysitter over and were able to go out on a date night. We try to go at least once a month if not more. This month, with such great family and friends, we’ve gone out a few times! We even went to the movies which we hadn’t done in almost 2 years! We’re already trying to line someone up in the next few weeks so we can go see SATC 2! Would be great if we could find a theater that allows you to sip Cosmos while watching the movie! ;)

R drinking from the N.uby bottle with sip.py cup nipple

A still loves her bottles

R loves to bang her cup up and down on her high chair tray.

We always new A loved puppies but this past weekend she actually got to play with a few and LOVE LOVE LOVED them. She had a little help from her cousin in this picture.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Steppin' it up!

Big news! R took her first few steps last night! It was awesome! She’s been on the verge of walking and won’t yet do it on her own but last night when we stood her up, backed up a little, and called her name she took 2 steps! Miraculously we ALSO got it on video which we promptly posted on face.book for our family and IRL friends to see. A still has super wobbly legs but can walk like a champ pushing her little car walker toy. Sooner than later we’ll have 2 tiny walkers which we always thought would be easier as we wouldn’t HAVE to carry them from point A to point B but we are sure it will have its new challenges. Probably something like we’ll never sit again.

As written in a previous post, our girls are completely off baby cereal and pureed meals and strictly on bite sized foods. R, who is the smaller of the twins, will some days eat like a champ but other days hardly eats anything. It's like she survives on air alone. We worry because she is so tiny (to us) and wondering if she is getting enough calories and nutrients on the days she just pushes her food around her high chair tray. She rarely finishes her bottles of formula but does drink a LOT of water as she loves her sippy cup with a straw. Maybe we should put her milk in the sippy cup too? Any advice out there? Should we go back to cereals and stuff? We initially stopped offering it because the girls wouldn’t eat it. We also find that there are times when A will eat some and then start screaming/crying to get out
of her high chair. If we put on Barney or something for them to watch while eating they do great but we don’t want to get them in that habit.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

You're never here when we want you to be but always come when you're unwanted.

Dear AF,

Where are you? We thought you were coming this week but there is no sign of you. We are very excited for your arrival so please step on it and get here as soon as you can.

Many thanks!

M, J, A & R

Friday, May 14, 2010

Smile baby... smile!

We’ve had a few of you ask how we got our daughters into the modeling/television business. Although J works in television she did not use any connections in getting the girls their agents or any of their gigs. Over Christmas break we mailed a bunch of pictures of the girls together and by themselves to NYC agencies we hand selected. This is an easy goo.gle search to find reputable agencies. A couple of weeks later, we got calls from a few of the agencies asking to meet our daughters. We met with three and immediately upon meeting the girls the agencies wanted to sign them (represent them). We chose 2 to work with (exclusivity is not a factor at this age as it will be when they get older) but we get most of the auditions through one of the agencies more than the other. A and R were offered a TV spot on “Damages” (which they couldn’t do because we were out of town) and the spot on “The Go.od Wife” without having to go to an audition. Our agent sent their pictures to the shows casting agents and our daughters were chosen. For the Ral.ph Lauren shoot, both daughters “auditioned” for a spot but only A was chosen. She had the “full figured Gerb.er baby” look that they wanted. The auditions usually consist of going to the casting agency (or in Ral.ph Laure.n’s case we went to their advertising office in NYC) and a few pictures are taken. The shoot is usually the next day or the day after. You need a very open and flexible schedule to get your children into this business. Since J works from home, her blackberry allows for mobility even during work hours. You are usually told about an audition the day or night before and are given a window of 4 to 6 hours of which the actual audition is held. Some auditions are packed while others known as “Go see’s” are quite manageable. With go-sees, the casting agency has already slimmed down the candidates via agent websites and only those babies are allowed to audition. That’s pretty much the gist of it! Good luck!

The girls are the Ral.ph Laur.en shoot. A is VERY excited as you can see!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

10 months!

Our little girls turned 10 months on Monday! We can hardly believe it! Life just keeps getting busier and busier. We would always say “this stage” is the hardest and the next one HAS to be easier. Not really… each stage has its own ups and down, good times and hard times. Although we both agree nothing has been as hard as the first three months were. Phew! Glad that’s over! These days are spent with very very mobile babies. They are both all over the place and although we have them confined to one room where their toys WAY outnumber our furniture, they always seem to want to break out and explore the rest of the house. We get it girls… we do but we need some kind of order to the crazy days we live through. They are both on the verge of walking. R stands without any support for 30 or so seconds until she gets bored and plops down and crawls to what has caught her eye. She can stand while drinking from her sippy cup, playing with a toy, watching Bar.ney. She’s awesome at it! A, who literally just started crawling a month ago, is all over the place pulling up, cruising, standing for shorter periods of time. She had the fastest transition from crawling to cruising that I’ve ever seen… it was DAYS not weeks like R. A has learned to clap in the past 2 weeks. Specifically whenever she hears the song “If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands” which it seems every one of our toys sings. She hears the first few beats and her eyes light up and she sits down and gets ready to clap. It’s adorable. R is not clapping yet but does say “Mom”… just not directed at either of us yet. We also think we hear A’s name which is so cute. Again, not directed at her sister. A says hi indiscriminately and that’s about it. They both talk up a storm and A “sings” to any song she hears.

One of the biggest changes has to be food. The girls no longer eat “baby cereal” or pureed foods. They want finger foods and they want them now! In the mornings we start with Cheer.ios while we make them either eggs (with or without Amer. cheese), or French toast along with grapes, bananas, or strawberries and if they are really hungry some toast on the side. They particularly like them in strips that they can hold and bite off of. A has 4 teeth (2 on top, 2 on the bottom) and B has only her 2 bottom teeth so far so most of their food is still gummed to death. Our dr said it looks like A’s got 2 teeth coming in on the bottom and 2 on the top as well! Per our pediatricians instructions we are only using the yolks of the eggs which means we need to use at least 2 every morning… we fly through eggs and bread these days. For lunch they love grilled cheese (just toasted bread with a slice of amer cheese, no butter, etc), any type of fruit cut up and yo.bab.y yogurt. Dinner comprises of pasta with sauce, chicken (boiled as of now) or hamburger. There is always a veggie with dinner – their current favorite is steamed fresh string beans but also enjoy bite sized sweet potato. We tend to end every dinner with blueberries but sometimes they have oranges. Their snacks throughout the day are mum.mu.ms, Cheer.ios, and yogu.rt melts. They still enjoy their bottle every three hours (approx 4-6 oz of watered down formula) and still get a nice big bottle before bed (10 oz, again watered down).

Sleeping has been an interesting feat. With multiples, the “cry it out” method gets a little tricky. A has been a great sleeper recently going down between 7 and 8 and waking up between 6 and 7. R has been the cause of the large bags under our eyes. They began sleeping through the night at 2.5 months and then stopped over Christmas time probably due to their teething and all of our traveling and/or guests. If there are guests in the house, they fight going to sleep. Lots of tears before they finally lay their heads down. For one reason or another (traveling, guests over, etc) we couldn’t diligently let R cry it out at nights lending to months of sleep interrupted nights. Not only does it effect R at night, it messes up her day as she is super tired and therefore crankier. A is pretty good at sleeping through R’s late night (3am) cries but if it lasts long enough, A joins in the fun and it is at least an hour or so until they both cry it out. We recently spoke to our pediatrician about this and if it is detrimental in anyway since we THINK R gets scared at night when she wakes up because when we go in to check on her and lay her back down/change her diaper, she CLINGS to us so hard you don’t even have to hold her on to her and she won’t fall. It is an amazing feeling but also sad. We feel bad but know she is ok and is better off sleeping. R has “stranger an.xiety” much worse than A does and our dr explained that this is why she is so clingy in the middle of the night. All she knows is that we aren’t there and she panics. It breaks our heart but we’ve been diligent the past 9 nights and FINALLY last night they both slept through the night. Not only did they go down without a hassle, but not a peep until 6am! We do get a full night here and there so we are not yet confident it has truly worked yet but we do know that since we are headed to Scran.ton this weekend, that our efforts will probably be for naught and we’ll have to try all over again when we get home. Fingers crossed the traveling doesn’t throw them too far out of wack.

J is still working from home and although we have a nanny that comes a few hours a day, J still finds it hard. We don’t love our nanny – she’s always late, we don’t see enough interaction with the girls in the areas they need now like talking ‘This is a ball” “Say hi to the bear” etc. We have also not been diligent in finding a replacement, as it is such a process. Last night we finally had time to make a few calls.

As for the girls working, A was in a Pol.o Ral.ph Laur.en photo shoot last week. She did GREAT! She is a pro at this. :) We believe the images will appear on their website at some point (it was a fall line the babies were showcasing).

Onto Project Baby C news: We were smart enough to fill our last prescription of R.epronex before J went on M’s insurance back in 12/08. We had always planned to start Project Baby C when the twins were around 3 months old. Yeah…. that didn’t happen. So we pulled out all the vials of Re.pronex that expired in 12/09 and brought them to our fertility dr. He said he would be able to tell by looking at the vials if they were still usable or if the hormones had started to deteriorate. ALL BUT ONE VIAL ARE USABLE!!!! That saves us $2000 in medicine that we would have had to fork over for this injectable cycle! Now it should only cost us $3000 (wau wau wau). We are just waiting for M to get her AF and then head in on day 3 for an ultrasound. We are soooo excited! Having twins already might make the process a little easier to bear but we must admit we are as excited as we were when we were trying to get pregnant with our first (errr and second) baby. In a week or so, we think that Project Baby C should finally commence!

Now for pictures of the ladies...

A with her first popsicle.

The girls first "swimming pool" experience

Happy R!

The girls playing in the grass
(R on left, A on right)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April showers bring May pregnancies?

The appointment with our fertility doctor went great! We talked through all our options and he is open to jumping to a more aggressive plan. We think we decided to do a cycle or 2 of injectables before jumping to IVF. Although the average rate of pregnancy is 18% with injectables, our doctor said those numbers don't tell the real story as we aren't "infertile" per say and M's a great age at 31 to conceive and carry a child. We asked which medications we would use and he said Repron.ex or Folli.stim. If anyone has or knows someone who has any of these medications and no longer need them, we'd love to take them off your hands! We will pay any copay or shipping fees! We got an estimate of $5K per injectible cycle or $12K for IVF since we don't have insurance. One large factor in choosing an injectable cycle over IVF is the risk of having frozen embryos left over like we do from J's IVF cycle. We can't distroy them but we don't want to become the lesbian oct.omoms either.

Since M just finished her AF, we'll begin with her next cycle - YAY FOR MAY!

Aside from Project Baby C - our two little angels are getting so big! A is 22lbs and 28.5 in and R is 18.7lbs and 27.5 in. A has 2 bottom teeth halfway in and 2 top teeth that just finished breaking through. R has 2 bottom teeth halfway in and a top tooth that looks like it will break through in a few days. We think R is going to walk sooner rather than later. She now stands for 5 to 15 seconds at a time not holding onto anything and will sloppily walk when holding one of my hands. A is pulling herself up on more and more things and crawling a little more as well. They both have blond hair growing in more and more and A's eyes have turned a beautiful light brown while R's eyes are still TBD. Sometimes they look blue, sometimes slate, sometimes brown and sometimes green. R is REALLY into giving kisses and hugs these days. A has been giving kisses for quite some time but R will actually crawl over to you kiss and hold on to you sooooo tight! It melts our heart whenever she does this as we know it is her way of telling us she loves us. Tonight M was trying to get R down (who was fussing) and M heard R say "Mom" clearly and then kissed her twice! Life is AWESOME!

Monday, April 19, 2010

And we're back in the game again.

Yes, it’s true... We are gearing up to make a little brother or sister for the twins. Project Baby C is now underway! We might be crazy but we are actually 3 months off when we thought we’d start trying again. Life was just too hectic when the girls were 6 months old as we were also reno-ing a house and then moved in where renovations continue. Now that the girls are 9 months old we are ready to begin this TTC process all over again – this time with M in the drivers seat!

We have our first appointment with our fertility doctor TODAY! We are very excited! We are NOT excited about the punch in the pocket this will cost as M’s insurance (as with most NJ insurances) does not cover infertility like J’s did. Our winning IVF cycle ended up being a couple thousand in the end at most but depending on the path we choose, this cycle could costs an upward of $10K. Our plan is to skip all the IUIs and jump right to an injectable cycle or IVF. This is what we will talk with our doctor about today.

We couldn’t write a post without a little update on how our beautiful angels are doing. B is and has been for a couple of months, pulling up, getting down and crawling ALL OVER THE PLACE! The gates and child proofing has been up and running for quite some time now. A, our more mellow baby knows how to crawl but doesn’t as much as she could. She’s very happy sitting and playing and then crying if she wants to be moved. ;) We did have a big morning with A – when we went into her nursery to get her this morning, she was standing in her crib! This is the first time she has pulled herself up without our help! YAY BABY A!

Neither baby is really saying any words yet – “dada” is repeated over and over again by A but not because she knows what it means just because it is easy to say. B is really into “blah blah blah”. It’s really funny! I think they are both waiting for May 9th to say “Mama”.... That would be the best Mother’s Day gift EVER!!

At 9 months, J has finally stopped breastfeeding. Not because she wanted to, in fact, she was pretty upset that her breastfeeding days were over. The girls just naturally stopped. A was done breastfeeding about a month ago, and B just recently stopped. The girls still have their bottles of formula throughout the day. But now they are also having 3 square meals, which we try to make family meals whenever possible! In the mornings they have oatmeal, Cheer.ios, and bananas(or some other fruit)- which they LOVE. They literally shake and squeal with excitement when we pull the big yellow Cheer.ios box out of the cabinet. There is a little song and dance that we do with it, which may add to their excitement, but either way, they love their Cheer.ios. At lunch they have been having some grapes, toast, cheese and another fruit or vegetable like apples, carrots, peaches, etc. We have to really limit their cheese intake since they had such issues with dairy as babies, but we'll slowly increase it as we go. For dinner they have rice cereal along with a vegetable and some apple sauce. Dinner is always followed by blueberries which again brings on the shaking and squealing. The girls make it pretty obvious which foods are their absolute favorites. They are eating so many new things these days: apples, bananas, peaches, blueberries, watermellon, grapes, carrots, sweet potatoes, peas, string beans, toast and egg yolks. We are going to try chicken, avocado, blackberries and a few other things soon. We just try to do about 1 new food every couple of days so we can make sure they aren't having any bad reactions to them. At the end of the day they get their baths and a nice big bottle which almost always puts them right into a sweet, peaceful sleep....

As for The G.ood Wife - the episode the girls were in is "HEART". You can watch it online. A is the baby in the carseat shot at the beginning and then they are both in the conference room scene right after the first commercial break.

To end - here are a couple of pictures of the girls.

R rehearsing on the set of "The G.ood Wife"

The girls playing together

R being silly

A's Easte.r picture

Thursday, February 18, 2010

7 Months!

Hi blogging world! It's us! While the babies are napping, we thought we'd write a quick update.

Our beautiful A and R are 7 months old already! SEVEN MONTHS!?! We can hardly believe it! They both have their own adorable but separate personalities coming out strong. Life has definitely gotten easier and harder at the same time. Neither are crawling yet but R is on the brink. If we didn't have hardwood floors in our house, she'd be off. For now she suctions her hands to the floor and pulls her knees in to move, or just rolls. A just rolls onto her belly getting ready t
o crawl but isn't really getting up on all four's yet. She'll prop herself up for a while then whine to be rolled over. Yes, she knows how to roll, but she'd rather one of her Mommies help her because 99% of the time she gets some cuddle time out of it.

We think one of the cutest things about the girls at this age is their interaction with each other. A makes R laugh all the time. It's sooo cute! They look for each other now and "talk" to each other as well. They will sit and play together, and R has been known to stealing whatever toy A has in her hand.

The twins are on a couple of solid foods. Their feedings begin with being nursed when they wake up (usually between 6:15am and 7:30am) then around 8:30am they get cereal and smooshed up banana with some juice (99% water, splash of juice). They go down for a nap after their cereal and usually sleep about an hour but has been up to 2 hours. They get a bottle/breastfed within the hour after they wake up and then a vegetable at lunch. Can you guess what we were trying this day? Think she liked it??

J is making her own baby food and so far found it pretty easy to do. They get another afternoon bottle/breastfeeding and a nap or 2 depending on what we are doing that day (staying home or running errands). Around 5:45pm they get more cereal and then it is bath, bottle and bedtime. They are in bed and sleeping by 7:15pm these days which is great! For a while R was getting up around 10pm for another feeding but we let her cry it out a couple times and it worked. She falls asleep after her bath without finishing her bottle so that's why we think she was waking up. We recently started giving her 1/2 of her bottle before her bath and think she's getting more milk but the cereal is doing a good job of filling her up for the night anyway. They also get a Mum.Mu.m during the day. They are rice crackers that pretty much melt in their mouths. It's adorable watching them eat them. They will hold them with 2 hands and nibble with the 2 bottom teeth that they have growing in. TOO CUTE!

The lack of posting has more to do with how busy we M
ommies are, not necessarily how busy the babies keep us. (They DO keep us very busy though!). J is working again part time (25 hrs a week). She started back up in November and works from home. Once a month or so she heads down to her office which is in Arlington VA. It works out nicely since her whole immediate family is in a 10 mile radius of her office so she drops the babies off with Grandma and Grandpa and heads in. We also bought a house at the beginning of December which we have been renovating. We finally moved in Jan 31st but are still doing work every night when the babies go to sleep. And if both of us working and renovating a house wasn't enough, the twins are also working! They were cast to be on a few episodes of "The Goo.d Wife" on CB.S. It seems as though R did not make the cut but A will be in a couple of scenes in 2 episodes. R cried when she was put in the actress's arms. It was evident the actress didn't have kids nor seem to really like them as she didn't know what to do when either baby cried. J was like "try bouncing a little while you are holding her." She didn't take the advice. ;) Either way, they are both making a little money for college.

We all can't wait for spring to be able to get out easier and utilize the amazing yard we have and park we live near. We are OVER the snow already but still try to get out and enjoying it a little before it is gone in a month or so.

Here are a couple of pictures of the girls. R laying on Mommy's belly, A yawning and R rehearsing in her trailer. R was supposed to use the pacifier during her scene on "TGW".