Tuesday, June 22, 2010

We've got numbers!!!!

Well, we've got numbers to back up our positive pregnancy tests. We don't know if our beta is trying to tell us something by duplicating a certain number 3 times or if it is just a really solid singleton number but either way we are ecstatic with our beta of 222! We are 15 days past the HCG shot so we have a really strong number either way.

We go back in on Thursday for another beta test - maybe this beta will help tell the story. Can't we just jump to an ultrasound??? ;)


Mommy and Mamita said...

Congrats on the good numbers. So 3 2's -- that would be triplets, right?

anofferingoflove said...

congrats! thats a high number! are you prepared for multiples again!? :)

Tui said...

Wow congratulations, I'm just now catching up on your news but that is a great number.. can't wait to hear more :)

Anonymous said...

Nice numbers ladies! I'm not even going to ge there with what that *could* mean.

Two Moms, Two Monkeys said...

Just got back from vacation and WOW Congratulations!