Monday, June 7, 2010

An insemination like never before...

and now we enter the wonderful TWW.

We triggered this morning at 4:15am which is why this is going to be a short and sweet post. Neither of us fell back to sleep before our little darlings woke up at 5:30 and were ready to start the day. Next insem is tomorrow at 4:15pm. Our dr told us M had 3 mature eggs before the trigger and a great sperm count with 65% motility.

Yawn.... goodnight!


Pufferfish said...

Woohoo! Let the games begin again! Hope lady luck shines on you.

anofferingoflove said...

Love the pics!! Good luck ladies!

Laurie said...

Naturally this cycle will work.. I mean, how can it not with a cutie pie like that keeping the belly nice and warm?!? Love it!

Two Moms, Two Monkeys said...

So crazy! I still can't believe you guys are trying for #3 already! I think we are going to wait at least another year before getting back on that horse. I'm still exhausted from these two everyday.

Good luck! It usually works out on the first try when the pressure is off, here's to a set of boys this time!

Strawberry said...

Ha! That's awesome. good luck!

Becky Le Cochon said...

here's to more babies!