We've been meaning to write a blog since Monday when we went to our Dr for M's 1st u/s, but it has been a crazy week with planning the twins 1st birthday party! Anyway, the appt went great! The hours were from 7:30-9:30am to get the u/s. So we left M's family's house in PA at 7am giving us plenty of time to get there ... until we noticed the low tire pressure light come on in our car. Luckily, after putting some air in it we were able to get back on the road and make it to our dr appt. We have come to find out there was a nail in the tire and we needed a new tire - blah! We were very nervous yet excited for the appt. With our beta numbers being kind of high and more than doubling each time, we weren't sure how many sacs we'd be seeing. During the u/s J said, "don't tell me if you see six." The u/s technician, who if you remember has TERRIBLE bedside manners, cracked a joke saying "don't worry, if I do I won't say a word, I'll just be running out of the room." After a few minutes of prodding she announced, "Well, there's only 1 sac" ... we were both very happy to hear this and a little relieved. Not that we wouldn't have been thrilled with twins or multiples, we just really only wanted 1 this time so it was perfect! We even got to see the yolk sac and the heartbeat!! The u/s tech said M was measuring 6 weeks. We didn't get the HB rate though as we didn't even think to ask because we were so overwhelmed.
M went back in yesterday to see our Dr since he was out on vacation when we went in for the u/s on Monday. This time we asked what the HB was on Monday and he said 101. And then immediately followed it with the fact that he wouldn't have even expected to see a heartbeat at that appt so it's a good number for being so early. He told us that yesterday M was 6wks 2days and our due date is March 1, 2011!
We go back in for another u/s and dr visit in 2 weeks. Until then, we'll just keep doing what we're doing!!
Tomorrow these cuties turn 1!!!!!!!!!

yay! congrats on the first great scan!
and happy almost birthday to the girls :)
Congrats on a great ultrasound and getting the single sac that you preferred. I still can't believe it that you have another one on the way already.
Congrats! And happy one year to you all! Those girls are so adorable.
I honestly let out a deep sigh of relief when you mentioned just one sac. aaaaah. so happy for you !
And a BIG happy birthday to those babies. :)
Happy birthday beauties!
I have to admit I an a little relieved to hear it is a singleton as well ;)
The baby sounds fantastc. Congrats!
I'm excited to see how you think having ONE newborn is compared to your experience with twins. So happy for you all!
and a very happy birthday to your two cuties! Hope you have a wonderful celebration planned!
Happy belated 1st birthday to the girls and many, many congratulations on all the exciting news for your family!! ;)
Your girls are adorable so sweet. Congrats on a great ultrasound.
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