We heard some disturbing news this week while talking to our neighbor (we’ll call her H) who lives across the street and has adorable 2.5 yr old triplets (2 girls, 1 boy). First of all, we are new to the area as we just moved into our house in February after months of renovations but we really clicked with the couple across the street as they are our age and also have multiples. J goes to the park often with the girls and their triplets (who is also cared for by a fulltime nanny who our daughters equally love). H told us that she got in an argument with a gentleman (single, no kids, good looking, mid 40s, we’ll call him M) who lives 2 doors down from them a couple of weeks ago. We don’t know M very well, but always seemed very nice and his girlfriend made us a delicious cake when we moved in. Anyway, a couple of days after this fight, social services showed up at H’s door and told her (and the nanny who was there) that they had a complaint that there is drug and alcohol abuse in their house. Now we have always thought that they perhaps sm.oked po.t but we have no proof, and although we don’t smoke it these days, we think there are worse things that they could be doing. And as for drinking, they are clearly of age and having multiples, we know that sometimes you NEED an adult beverage to RELAX after a long day. H and her husband have had frequent surprise visits from social services including rummaging through their fridge to make sure there is adequate food for the 3 babies, crib checks, and random drug tests. We don’t personally think any of this is warranted as we KNOW they are great parents, have healthy well adjusted kids, and a wonderful nanny but what REALLY gets us is that this random guy doesn’t like this family for whatever reason and makes one complaint and now this family has to endure what could probably last over a year, PROVING that they are good parents. It was even in the newspaper under the police section that this report was made! It is scary to think that this could happen to anyone with just a call to the cops by someone who you get in an argument with. We feel as though a “check” of sorts should be made on the person reporting the child neglect as well. It is just a very sad and as H said “embarrassing” situation all because she believes she argued with him. Needless to say, we will remain “friendly” but will try not to interact too much with this neighbor. As we don’t really have anything in common with him, this shouldn’t be too hard.
Wow, that's really a scary situation. I can't imagine having to go through that because some jerk was angry. We'll be thinking of her and her family. Yay for high beta levels. What were they like for the twins? Do you think it's more than twins?
Great numbers!I can't wait for your scan.
On the other - what BS! Maybe *someone* should call and say that they thing he is dealing drugs out of his house. Well, maybe not but it sounds like fun.
Scary that people can make those kind of accusations and cause so much trouble for a family. And seriously, when did drinking while parenting become a crime? As for the weed, I agree that there are so many things that make someone a bad parent but I'm not willimg to say that I think that in and of itself is one of them. I'm almost 100% sure that many of us born in the 70's had parents who indulged after all. I know I did.
Anyway, have a great trip!
My first post here. Congrats! YAY happy for you. My friend who is in a very steady job and her husband had their first child at 40. Her sister who can't stand her called child services on her and they went through hell for about a year, and it continues. They have a beautiful home, very stable home and it sickeness me that their are so many "bad" homes that truly need the help of children services waste the time on these useless calls. Anyone, anytime can call which takes away from all the children who are truly in need.
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