Saturday, November 29, 2008

Spotting Scare

Last night J had some spotting and we freaked out a little. It didn't last long and there wasn't much blood but it was bright red and frightening.

Since it stopped quickly we didn't call our dr until this morning. He said since it stopped and it wasn't accompanied by cramping we didn't have to worry, it was normal but if we wanted to come in this morning we could. So we did. :)

We drove (quickly) back from Scranton, PA where we had celebrated Thanksgiving. We thought the office closed at noon but at 9am when we spoke to our dr, he told us they were closing at 11am today. Needless to say, we scooted out of M's parents house in whirlwind time making up all sorts of excuses on the way. To make it a little more complicated, we had our brother and sister in law riding back with us. And I should restate, no one knows that we are pregnant yet.

Miraculously we made it to the dr in time and were brought right in for an u/s. The u/s technician said immediately that she didn't see any bleeding in the vagina and then preceeded to say there was no bleeding in the cervix or around the gestational sacs. PHEW! She then did the usual measuring and asked J to hold her breath a few times. After a few minutes, she turned the monitor and showed us the sacs and then showed us the heartbeat of Baby A!! All J could say was OMG! We had NO idea we would be able to see a heartbeat today! She then showed us Baby B and we could not yet see the heartbeat. She said this was of no concern for a few reasons. One, and the primary reason, being the positioning of the 2nd sac. (As you can see, Baby B still looks smaller in this image, but it isn't, it's just shy.) It is located lower and almost behind Baby A so it is hard to see it. Secondly it was still early, they didn't expect us back for 3 more days to see the heartbeats. She was confident everything was just fine and once it gets a little bigger, we'll be able to see them both.

Our dr then came in and said while he couldn't really explain the bleeding, he stressed that most if not all pregnancies have some spotting. As long as it isn't heavy and accompanied by cramping, it is fine. He did a quick examination and concurred that everything felt normal. We were 6 weeks 2 days pregnant today and J's cervix was measuring 7 weeks. He said we didn't have to come back in on Tuesday but to reschedule for a week from today; next Saturday. He adviced J to stay off her feet for a few days and also said we may see more spotting so not to be alarmed. We'll let you know how that goes. ;)

We are relieved yet still in shock of seeing a heartbeat today. Absolutely Amazing!


Anonymous said...

I'm a little behind on your news of twins but congratulations!! That's so cool that you were able to hear the heartbeat already! :)

Mommy and Mamita said...

Sorry about the scare. I had spotting at 5 weeks during my pregnancy and everything turned out fine. It is good that your doctor is being reassuring.

Heather said...

phew. scarey. I'm happy that everything turned out good :)

Eva said...

Let's hear it for the heartbeat! That's awesome!

Becky Le Cochon said...

ohhh my! sorry about the scare,,,but ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
we have a heartbeat!!!! now if baby b can send baby a an email telling "her" (hehe) to get her act together for the next visit, tht would be just great!

Pufferfish said...

How exciting that you already got to hear the heartbeat! That is so amazing...
Sorry you had to go through the scare, but happy that it all turned out OK.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news! I am so happy everything is okay.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that everything's okay. We're dying over here for some updates!