Well, we are headed into the last few days of our tww. We go in on Friday for bw to see if we are pregnant. We’re just going to go ahead and assume we are, is that bad? No, there haven’t been pregnancy symptoms really, none that J hasn’t had since she started the injections (cramps, sore bb, exhaustion which is prob from progesterone) but we are going in hopeful and with a positive attitude. The last 2 times we tried to get J pregnant, she did. Unfortunately both of those pregnancies ended (chemical and no heartbeat at 6 weeks) but can that really happen again? Could life be so cruel as to have history repeat itself over and over again? Can these 2 “perfect” blastocysts really not implant and form at least 1 beautiful baby in 9 months?

Yes, we are pregnant. At least until we get the results of the bw on Friday.
Pregnant until proven otherwise! That's what I always say. I am really hoping and praying for both of you.
Should i start a count down?
Excellent attitude! PUPO!
(Thanks for the BCP advice and for the tourney luck!)
I can't wait to hear what happens Friday! PUPO!! Keeping FX.
Yes! That's my mentality too. It helps I think.
I can't wait to see the photo of your beautiful twin pink lines!
I can't wait to hear the good news! Stay positive!
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