Thursday, July 9, 2009

Tomorrow is D-Day or should we say C-Day?!

Well, we are finally all set for tomorrow. Everything has been done and our bags are packed and at the door. Our c-section is scheduled for 10a and we have to be at the hospital at 8a. We hope we sleep tonight, but are not too hopeful. Both of us are just so excited at the thought of meeting our daughters tomorrow!

We'll post updates and pictures as soon as we can! Thank you everyone for all of your support along the way - it's been a long road, but we've finally reached our goal!!!


Anonymous said...

Good luck! I'll be thinking of y'all tomorrow.

Laurie said...

WOOHOOO!!!! I have been thinking about you guys non-stop... and will begin my faithful blog stalking tomorrow :) I hope that everything goes smoothly. Oh I'm just so excited for you! I can't wait to see your new, beautiful family! Good luck!!!

Jackie said...

C and I are so happy for you. Good luck. We're sending you four lots of love!

Sarah said...


Heather said...

You are probably going into or already did the C-section right now. GOOD LUCK!!!!