Tuesday, January 20, 2009

This week's lesson: Ratios

We found it surprising that we forgot they were going to call on Monday. We keep close track of everything involving the pregnancy. We guess with the perfect NT Sca.n measurements we totally forgot we'd actually be getting more results from our peri.natalogist - the final ratios. The office called on Monday as we were told they would and let us know that Baby A and Baby B both have excellent numbers and ironically the SAME ratios. (They're already competitive??) The odds of the babies having Down's Syn.drome are 1/8900 and the odds for Tris.omy 13 & 18 is 1/10,000. These are even higher (or lower odds actually) then our genetic counselor used as her example of great numbers. We'll take 'em!

We feel so incredibly lucky with each and every step of this pregnancy. It took us over 18 months to get to where we are today and we never let a day go by without being thankful for what we have been given. We know now that all of the months of forced waiting, medical treatments, fertility drugs, miscarriages and unsuccessful IUIs were meant to be. If not for them, we wouldn't have these 2 healthy babies growing inside of J at this moment. And for all of you that are waiting for your miracles, we think of you every day and know you will get them soon.

As for our next step, we are excited to see dr. H (our regular ob) on Tuesday. We are pretty sure we will be finding out the sex of the babies. Are there any guesses out there as to what you think Baby A and Baby B will be?


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I think baby A is a girl and baby B a boy. I can't wait to hear the answer! I am so relieved to hear they are poster babies for perfection. Nice work ladies!

Lisa said...

glad they are doing so well. I expect boy/girl twins.

Anonymous said...

i'm voting for b/g twins too.

Mommy and Mamita said...

I'm going to buck the trend and vote for 2 boys. Glad that everything is going well.

Anonymous said...

A is a boy, B is a girl :)

Anonymous said...

Immediately after reading your question - twin girls popped into my head.

Two girls!

Thanks for kind words of encouragement for the rest of us. I'm so happy for you that you're in the moment you're in right now.

Becky Le Cochon said...

DO A POLL!!!!!
You now what my guesses are already....hehehe and I pride myself on always being RIGHT dang it!

Heather said...

Baby A & B are both going to be girls. :)

R said...

BOYS!! But blessed no matter what!! :)